A story driven by your camera.
»What did happen in that house?
I told no one.
And my mother didn't ask.
The official report says I ran away.
That I got lost in the blizzard.
Of course that isn't true.
But I am the only one who knows that.« - C.C.
What happened that winter night?
Uncover the secrets with your camera.
Need a ladder? Take a photo in the real world!
Thirsty? Photograph a beverage.
Enjoy your first »photo mystery«: A game controlled by the pictures you take.
Polarized! Origins
We've been fascinated by the iOS Machine Learning capabilities and played around with it from the beginning of the API. This is gameplay driven by taking pictures.
The MonkeyBox Series
Polarized! is the entry #1 in the TheCodingMonkeys MonkeyBox series. More than experiments, diverse and surprising – The MonkeyBox Series titles will all be shorter than a full triple AAA title. Their raison d'être is the fact that we want them to exist and deem the ideas and concepts worthy of your attention. We hope to suprise and delight you with all the entries, and hope to release more than one per year.
- Immerse yourself in the game by taking pictures
- Help the protagonist remember their story by photographing your environment
- Only possible through Apple's great CoreML Libraries - nothing leaves the device, and recognition is instant
Gameplay English — Download
Gameplay German — Download
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About TheCodingMonkeys
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- Fine Apps and Games since 2003.
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- More information on TheCodingMonkeys are available here.
Polarized! Credits
- Marcel-André Casasola Merkle – @sightwise
- Game Design, Idea, Execution, Developer
- Dominik Wagner – @monkeydom
- Developer, Technical Assistant, Publisher
- Web